Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage in Brookvale, NSW

Pregnancy Massage at Warringah Mall

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Pregnancy Massage FAQs

  • Is pregnancy massage safe for both me and my baby?

    Yes, pregnancy massage is generally considered safe for both mother and baby. However, it’s always best to consult with your doctor before scheduling a massage.

  • What are the benefits of pregnancy massage, and how can it help me during my pregnancy?

    Pregnancy massage can help alleviate common pregnancy symptoms such as back pain, joint pain, and swelling. It can also promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

  • What can I expect during a pregnancy massage, and how long does it typically last?

    During a pregnancy massage, you can expect to lie on your side or use a pregnancy pillow for support. The massage typically lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on your preferences.

  • Can pregnancy massage help alleviate lower back pain, a common symptom of pregnancy?

    Yes, pregnancy massage can be effective in reducing lower back pain during pregnancy. Our experienced therapists can use a variety of techniques to target this area.

  • How far along should I be in my pregnancy before receiving a pregnancy massage?

    You can receive a pregnancy massage at any time during your pregnancy, but it’s generally recommended after the first trimester.

  • Can I receive a pregnancy massage in any position?

    Our therapists are trained to provide pregnancy massage in a side-lying or semi-reclining position, which is safe and comfortable for both you and your baby.

  • What techniques are used during a pregnancy massage?

    Our therapists use a variety of techniques such as deep tissue massage, and acupressure to address specific pregnancy-related concerns.

  • Can pregnancy massage help with morning sickness?

    While pregnancy massage may not directly address morning sickness, it can help promote relaxation and reduce stress, which may alleviate symptoms.

  • Can pregnancy massage help with swollen feet?

    Yes, pregnancy massage can be effective in reducing swelling and improving circulation in the legs and feet. Our therapists can use specialized techniques to target these areas.

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