Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage in Brookvale, NSW

Deep Tissue Massage at Warringah Mall

Select length or style that you feel suited for your needs.

Deep Tissue Massage FAQs

  • Is deep tissue massage painful?

    Deep tissue massage can be uncomfortable, but it should never be too painful or cause bruising. Our therapists will work within your tolerance level.

  • How often should I get a deep tissue massage?

    It depends on your individual needs, but once a week to once a month is typical. Our therapists can help you determine the best frequency for your needs.

  • Are there any health conditions that may prevent me from getting a deep tissue massage?

    Yes, certain conditions like blood clotting disorders or open wounds may make deep tissue massage unsafe. Please inform us of any health conditions before your appointment.

  • How much pressure is used during a deep tissue massage?

    Our therapists will use a firm pressure, but it should never be too painful or cause bruising. They will work with you to find the right level of pressure for your needs.

  • Will I be sore after a deep tissue massage?

    It’s possible, but drinking plenty of water and stretching can help minimize soreness. Our therapists can provide additional tips for minimizing soreness after your massage.

  • Are there any risks associated with deep tissue massage?

    In rare cases, deep tissue massage can cause bruising or inflammation, but these are generally minor and resolve quickly. Our therapists are trained to minimize any risks associated with deep tissue massage.

  • Can deep tissue massage help with chronic pain?

    Yes, deep tissue massage can be very effective in reducing chronic pain, but it may take several sessions. Our therapists can work with you to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs.

  • How soon can I resume normal activities after a deep tissue massage?

    You can resume normal activities immediately, but it’s a good idea to take it easy and not engage in strenuous activity for at least 24 hours. Our therapists can provide additional guidance on post-massage care.

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